
스타트업에서 인턴쉽을 운영할 때 주의해야 할 몇가지 팁들을 찾아봤다.

  1. Create a work plan for the intern
  2. Find a good supervisor
  3. Give and Take feedback
  4. Reach out colleges and universities
  5. Provide compensation
  1. Find someone who is interested in your industry
  2. Don't get them to bring you coffee...unless they're already going.
  3. Know where to look
  4. Make sure to set our parameters
  5. Get organized so taking on an intern isn't part-time job
  6. Don't forget your responsibility in the equation
  7. Don't reinvent the wheel every time


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Ki Sung Bae



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Developer + Entrepreneur = Entreveloper

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